Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Mellow weekend

In case you were wondering how much fun David and I had this weekend, it was very mellow because I had class all day on Saturday. And yet we still managed to have fun! :) We saw a movie, Shooter, on Friday night, went for a long walk on Saturday night and after David played golf on Sunday morning, went for sushi down by the beach... we are on a quest to find the best pizza roll in SD, so we checked out Zen 5 in Pacific Beach. Very cool place and really good sushi, but not the best pizza roll, it was more like a dynamite roll. The best is still Seau's, yummy!!


Ericanbiloxi said...

I love hearing about your weekend activities with David......With 2 teens it is ALL about them on the weekends here lol, no sushi, afternoon beach walks,or golf. We get to haul loud mouth(imagine that* hehehe)kids around and go a lil further in debt for things they would die if they did not get, all this topped off with me only getting a headache by Sunday.


Lola Granola said...

i know you'd probably get bored if you didn't have your girls to keep you going all the time :) we're both very blessed =) and yea, can't imagine who they got the "loud mouth" gene from hehe!!

CreoleInDC said...

Glad you had a great weekend!